B.Tech 4th SEM (All Branch)

  1. Applied Thermodynamics
  2. Bioinfomatics-I 
  3. Computer Architecture and Organization
  4. Computer Organization
  5. Database Management Systems
  6. Electrical & Electronics Engineering Materials
  7. Electrical Machines & Automatic Control
  8. Electro Mechanical Energy Conversion – I
  9. Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements
  10. Electronic Circuits
  11. Enzyme Engineering
  12. Genetics & Molecular Biology  
  13. Hydraulics & Hydraulic Machines
  14. Immunology
  15. Industrial Sociology
  16. Introduction to Micropocessor
  17. Introduction to Soft Computing
  18. Laser Systems and Applications
  19. Manufacturing Science -I
  20. Mathematics – III 
  21. Measurement & Metrology
  22. Microprocessors
  23. Network Analysis & Synthesis
  24. Signals & Systems 
  25. Software Engineering
  26. Statistical Techniques
  27. Structural Analysis -I
  28. Theory of Automata & Formal Languages
  29. Web Technology 

B.Tech 6th SEM (All Branch)

  1. Advanced Semiconductor Devices 
  2. Advanced Welding Technology 
  3. Analog & Digital Communication
  4. Antenna and Wave Propagation 
  5. Compiler Design 
  6. Computer Network
  7. Design of Concrete Structures-2
  8. Digital Communication
  9. Digital Signal Processing 
  10. Industrial Management
  11. Environmental Engineering-II
  12. Erp Systems
  13. Fluid Machinery
  14. Graph Theory
  15. Industrial Management
  16. Information Security and Cyber Laws
  17. Introduction to Electric Drives 
  18. Machine Design-II
  19. Microwave Engineering
  20. Non-Conventional Energy Resources & Utilization
  21. Power Electronics
  22. Power System Analysis
  23. Principles of Town Planning and Architecture
  24. Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
  25. Rural Water Supply and Sanitation
  26. Software Engineering 
  27. Software Project Management
  28. Software Quality Engineering
  29. Software Testing
  30. Special Electrical Machines
  31. Theory of Machines-II 
  32. Transportation Engineering-2
  33. Web Technology 

B.Tech 8th SEM (All Branch)

  1. Artificial Intelligence
  2. Bio-Instrumentation
  3. Cyptography and Network Security
  4. Data Communication Networks   
  5. Design of Thermal Systems
  6. Digital Image Processing
  7. Distributed Systems
  8. Electronics Switching 
  9. Introduction to Radar Systems
  10. Maintenance Engineering and Management
  11. Mobile Computing 
  12. Multimedia Systems
  13. Non Conventional Energy Resources
  14. Non-Destructive Testing
  15. Power Plant Engineering 
  16. Product Development
  17. Satellite Communication
  18. Software Project Management
  19. Wireless & Mobile Communication