MTU khabar 2013
B.Tech 2nd SEM (All Branch)
- Computer Concepts & Programming In C
- Electrical Engineering
- Electronics Engineering
- Elementary Mathematics-II
- Engineering Chemistry
- Engineering Mechanics
- Human Values and Professional Ethics
- Manufacturing Proceses
- Mathematics-II
- Professional Communication
- Remedial Biology
- Environment Ecology
- Engineering Physics
B.Tech 4th SEM (All Branch)
- Applied Thermodynamics
- Bioinfomatics-I
- Computer Architecture and Organization
- Computer Organization
- Database Management Systems
- Electrical & Electronics Engineering Materials
- Electrical Machines & Automatic Control
- Electro Mechanical Energy Conversion – I
- Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements
- Electronic Circuits
- Enzyme Engineering
- Genetics & Molecular Biology
- Hydraulics & Hydraulic Machines
- Immunology
- Industrial Sociology
- Introduction to Micropocessor
- Introduction to Soft Computing
- Laser Systems and Applications
- Manufacturing Science -I
- Mathematics – III
- Measurement & Metrology
- Microprocessors
- Network Analysis & Synthesis
- Signals & Systems
- Software Engineering
- Statistical Techniques
- Structural Analysis -I
- Theory of Automata & Formal Languages
- Web Technology
B.Tech 6th SEM (All Branch)
- Advanced Semiconductor Devices
- Advanced Welding Technology
- Analog & Digital Communication
- Antenna and Wave Propagation
- Compiler Design
- Computer Network
- Design of Concrete Structures-2
- Digital Communication
- Digital Signal Processing
- Industrial Management
- Environmental Engineering-II
- Erp Systems
- Fluid Machinery
- Graph Theory
- Industrial Management
- Information Security and Cyber Laws
- Introduction to Electric Drives
- Machine Design-II
- Microwave Engineering
- Non-Conventional Energy Resources & Utilization
- Power Electronics
- Power System Analysis
- Principles of Town Planning and Architecture
- Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
- Rural Water Supply and Sanitation
- Software Engineering
- Software Project Management
- Software Quality Engineering
- Software Testing
- Special Electrical Machines
- Theory of Machines-II
- Transportation Engineering-2
- Web Technology
B.Tech 8th SEM (All Branch)
- Artificial Intelligence
- Bio-Instrumentation
- Cyptography and Network Security
- Data Communication Networks
- Design of Thermal Systems
- Digital Image Processing
- Distributed Systems
- Electronics Switching
- Introduction to Radar Systems
- Maintenance Engineering and Management
- Mobile Computing
- Multimedia Systems
- Non Conventional Energy Resources
- Non-Destructive Testing
- Power Plant Engineering
- Product Development
- Satellite Communication
- Software Project Management
- Wireless & Mobile Communication